GGU Faculty

Jeon, Nack Pyo, D.C.M. -Composition
B.B., Kangwon University, 1987.
M.M., Chungnam University, 1989.
Diploma, Austria Morzarteum University, 1995.
D.C.M., Midwest University
Experience: Professor of Music Theory, Hanil Jangshin University, 1997-2005; Instructor of Music, Yonsei University, 2000-2001; Member of Korean Church Music, 1997-2005; Music Instructor, Seoul Theological Seminary, 1994-1997; Music Instructor, Seoul Christian University, 1985-1990;

Jong A Lim, D.C.M -Piano
B.A., Ehwa Womans University, 1970.
M.A., Ehwa Womans University, 1972.
D.C.M, Midwest University, 2004
Experience: Professor, Bae Jae University, 1974-present; Dean of School of Music of Bae Jae University

Juhn, Hee Joon, DCM-Emeritus Professor -Church Music
B.A., Jung Ang University, 1972.
M.M., Yonsei University, 1976.
Honorary Doctoral Degree, Midwest University, 1993.
Experience: President, Korea Hymnal Association, 2000, and Present; Publisher and Editor of the Church Music Association, 1970-Present; Director of Korean Church Music Research, 1972-Present; Professor, Kangnam University, 1973-2005; Professor of Korea Christian College, 1984-2004; Director of Korea Church Music Research 1972-Present; Publications: Publisher and Editor, Church Music (Quarterly Periodical), 1974-Present. Instructor of Han sin University, 1982.

Kim, Cheol Su, D.C.M -Voice
B.M., Mokwon University, 1985.
M.M., Mokwon University, 1989.
Diploma, Picole Conservatori, 1993.
D.C.M, Midwest University
Experiences: Adjunct Professor of Mokwon University, 2002-2005; Music Instructor, Korea Baptist Theological University, 1994-2000; Music Instructor, Musical Ensemble, Joosung University, 2000-2004; Conductor, Youth Orchestra of Taejon City, Korea.

Kim, Hong Kyu, D.C.M -Church Music
B.A. Keimyung University, 1962.
M.Div. Presbyterian Theological Seminary, 1970
M.E.D. Keimyung Educational Graduate School, 1973.
D.C.M, Midwest University
Experience: President, TaeGu Yeum Music Theological Seminary, 2004-Present; Chung-Ang University, Music Pastor, 2006-Present, Graduate School of Arts, Chung-Ang University, Director of Church Music Program, 2007-Present; More Dream Choir, Conductor, 2007-Present. Kunsan Young-Kwang Girls' High School, Music Teacher, 1990-2005. Kunsan Young-Kwang Girls' High School Mission Choir, Conductor, 1990-2005; Professor of Young Nam Theological Seminary, 1986-2002; Sohae College, Church Music lecturer, 1997-2000; President, Korean Presbyterian Theological Seminary, 1994.

Kim, Hyoung Jik, D.M.A. - Conducting, Music Education
B.M., Korea National University of Arts, School of Music ? Choral Conducting, 2001
M.M., University of Utah, School of Music ?Choral Conducting, 2011
D.M.A., Claremont Graduate University, School of Arts ? Conducting, 2015
M.Div., Liberty University, 2020
D.M.E., Liberty University, School of Music, Candidate
Experience: Vice-President, Musicus Society, 2016- Present; President, Online Music Rehearsal Project, 2015-Present;

Park, Hyeong Keun, D.Min. in Church Music
B.M., Keimyung University-Violin, 1995
M.M., Keimyung University-Violin, 1999
D.Min., Midwest University-Conducting, 2012
M.M, Global Gateway University, 2022
Experience: Violinist, Gyeongnam Provincial Symphony Orchestra, 2000-Present; Adjunct Professor, Daegu Arts university, 2016- Present;

Park, Joseph, D.Min. -Vocal
B.M., Chugye University for the Arts -Vocal, 1992
M.M., Cheongju University -Vocal, 1999
P.S.D., New School University, Mannes College of Music, 2003
D.Min., New York Theological Seminary, 2021
M.M, Global Gateway University, 2022
Experience: Director, Shepherd Choir & Opera, 2005-Present.

Park, Won Woong, D.C.M , -Church Music
B.M, Yonsei University, 1986
M.M. Manhattan School of Music, 1996
D.C.M, Midwest University, 2005
Experience: Music Teacher and Choir Conductor, Yom Kwang High School, 1986-1992; President, Belconto Singers of America, 2002-2005; Conductor, New York Siloam Church, 2000-2002; Conductor, New York Hallelujah Church, 1994-2000

Uhm, Tae Young, D.Min. in C.M. -Conducting
B.A., KangNam University, 1990.
M.A., Dankook University, 1994.
Nino Rota Academia Diploma, 1996.
USC Doctoral Degree Program 1997-1999.
USC Orchestra Conducting Institute 1999-2001.
D.Min. in C.M., Midwest University, 2005.
Experiences: Instructor of Shin Sung University, 2005-Present; Adjunct Instructor of Midwest University, 2005-Present.

Yeo, Hong Eun, D.C.M. -Church Music
B.M, Seoul National University, 1960
M.M., Seongshin University, 1987
D.C.M., Midwest University, 2000
Experiences: Professor of Church Music, Kidok School of Music, 1999-2005; Music Conductor, Yoido Full Gospel Church, 2002- 2005; President, Korea Women¡¯s Conductors Association, 2003-2004; President, Korea Association of Girls High School, 1964-1968; Music Teacher, Sinkwang Girls High School, 1960-1999; Conductor, Sinkwang Girls Choir, 1980-1999 Publications: A study of Biblische Lieder; by Dvorak; An Analytical Study of J.S. Bach¡¯ Christmas Oratorio (BWV 248)

Yoon, Hak Won, D.C.M. -Conducting
B.A., Yonsei University, 1963
M.M. Lowell State University, 1976
D.C.M. Midwest University, 1998
Experience: Conductor, Korea World Vision Children¡¯s Choir, 1970-present; Conductor, Youngnak Presbyterian Church 1972-2007; Professor, Joong Ang University, 2000; President, Federation of Global Musi, 1989-1992

Bueneman-Cooper, Gina, D.Min. -Christian Counseling
Bueneman-Cooper, Gina, D.Min. -Christian Counseling
A.A., St. Louis Community College, 1987
B.S., Mercer University, 1990
M.A., Webster University, 1992
D.Min. in Christian Counseling, Midwest University, 2007
Experience: Part Time Instructor, Missouri Baptist University, 1993-present; National Girls Ministry at First Assembly of God, 1990-present; Worship Leader/Musician at First Assembly of God, 2006-present; Sunday School Co-teacher at First Assembly of God, 1999-present; Children¡¯s Church Co-leader at First Assembly of God, 1992-2006; Women¡¯s Ministries, 1992-1994; Small Group Ministry Participant at First Assembly of God, 2006-present

Cho, Yong Kyu, Ph.D. -Old Testament/Theology
A.S., West Valley College, 1986
B.A., San Jose State University, 1986
M.Div., Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary, 1992
Ph.D., Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 1998
Experience: Ministerial Experience, 1990-Present; Adjunct Professor, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, KY, 1995-2001; Adjunct Professor, Northern Baptist Theological Seminary, Lombard, IL 1997-2000; Garrett Teaching Fellow, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, KY 1996-1997

Chun, Young Bak, D.C.C. -Christian Counseling
B.A, Korea University, 1965
Th.B, Dae Han Theological Seminary, 1985
M.Ed, Korea University, 1988
D.C.C, Midwest University, 1993
Experience: Professor of Asia Mission and Seminary, 1989-1991; Education Director of in Chon Life Line, 1992-1997; Director and Counselor of Christian Counseling Center, Present Publications: Theory and Practice of Inner Healing, 1997; Child Psychology, 1995; Theory and Practice of Christian Counseling, 1993; Rational Emotive Therapy, 1991; Christian Counseling, 1991

Chung, Young Jin, D. Min in CL. -Leadership
B.A., Korean Baptist Theological Seminary, 1983.
B.A., HanNam University, 1990.
M.Div., Oral Rovert University, 1997.
D.Min. in Christian Leadership, Midwest University 2005.
Experience: Senior Pastor, Songdam Baptist Church, 1987-1994; Senior Pastor, YunHee Baptist Church, 1995-2001; Senior Pastor, Hope Baptist Church, 2002-Present;

Feeler, Robert L., D. Min. -Christian Education
Th.B., Hannibal-Grange College, 1983
M.Div., Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, 1988
D.Min., Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2004
Experience: Adjunct Faculty, Missouri Baptist University, 2001-2005; Adjunct Professor of Youth Ministry, Hannibal LaGrange College, 1996-1998; Adjunct Professor of Biblical Studies, Missouri Baptist University, 1992-1995.

Han, Do-Su, D.Min, D.Miss. -Intercultural Studies
Th.B., Hanshin University, 1980
Th.M., Missions Theological Seminary, 1986
M.A., Asian Center for Theological Studies and Mission, 1994
D.Min., Fuller Theological Seminary, 2004
D.Miss, Midwest University

Kim, Gyun Bae, DL -Leadership
B.A., Korea Bible University 1987
M.Div., Chong Shin Graduate of Theology 1992
DL., Global Gateway University 2017
Experiences: Korea Social Education Myanmar, 2010-Present; Myanmar Director, Global Gateway University 2015-Present; Myanmar Director, Global Leadership 2015- Present; Director, Central University Library Global Research center 2017-Present,

Kim, Seok Kum, Ph.D., D.Min. -Preaching with Multimedia
B.E. Kwangwoon University, 2006
M.P. Kwangwoon University, 2008
Ph.D. Kwangwoon University, 2014
M.Div. Chongshin University,
D.Min. California Central University, 2010
Experience: owner, New Media Communications, 2000-Present; Flowergarden Church, Paster, 2007-President; Professor, California Central University, 2010-2014; Professor, Global Gateway University, 2015-present.

Kim, Soo Eub, D.Miss- Intercultural Studies
B.A., Young Nam Theological College, 1973
M.M., Presbyterian Theological Seminary, 1977
M.A., Kyung Hee University, 1981
M.Div., Canada Christian College, 1986
D.Min., Canada Christian Seminary, 1989
D.Miss., Midwest University, 1991
Experiences: Pastor or Antioch Presbyterian Church, 1980-2005; President, Martus Mission in Korea, 1980-2005; Assistant Professor, Hanyoung Theological Seminary, 1986-1997; Adjunct Faculty, Philippine Bible Seminary, 1982-1988; Seoul Janshin Theological Seminary, 2005; Director of World Mission, Presbyterian Church of Korea, 2002-2003;

Kim, Young Hee, D.C.E. -Christian Education
B.A. Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea 1989
M.A. State University of New York, New York, 1994
D.C.E. Midwest University
Experience: Principal, Misorang-Home School 1992-2005; Director of Christian Home School, 1999-2005; Made 11 speeches in Christian Alternative School Conferences. Publications: Child Education and Parental Education, 2004

Lim, Chong Woo, D. Min. -Biblical Studies
B.A., Jun Ju University, 1993
M.Div., Chong Sin University, 1998
D.Min. in Pastoral Theology, Midwest University, 2006
Experience: Adjunct Professor, Midwest University, 2007-Present; Japanese Teacher, KimJe High, South Korea, 1993-1994; Pastor, Fellowship Church, 2003-Present; Pastor, Sungjin Church, South Korea, 1997-2002; Evangelist, Hak Dong Church, South Korea, 1995-1997; Sunday School Teacher, Shin Duck Central Church, Kimje, South Korea, 1988-1993; Sunday School Teacher, Wal Chon Central Church, Kimje, South Korea, 1985-1988.

Oh, Sei Yeol, Ph.D. -Business Administration/Finance
B.S., Kyungpook National University, 1978
M.S., Korea University, 1981
Ph.D., Korea University, 1986
D.Min., Midwest University, 2010
Experience: Visiting Professor, University of North Carolina, 1998-1999; Chief of Business Administration Research Institute, Sungshin Women¡¯s University, 2004-2006; Dean of Planning & Coordination, Sungshin Women¡¯s University, 2003-2004; Professor, Sungshin Women¡¯s University, 1987-2019;

Song, Yong Ran, Ph.D. -Christian Education/Early Childhood Education
B.A, Pai Che University, 1981
M.Ed. Ewha Woman¡¯s University, 1987
D.C.E, Midwest University, 2000
Ph.D, Seoul Woman¡¯s University, 2004
Experience: Instructor, Child Education Pache University, 1989-2005; Instructor of Child Education, Korea Open University, 1993-1999; Principle, Summary Kindergarten, 1998-2005 Publications: Early Child Education, 2004; Parental Eductional Theory and Application, 2003; Parent and Children in Modern Society, 2002; Christian Education Program, 1998

Park, No Suk, D. Min. - Consulting
M.A., Sungkyunkwan University, 1990
M.Div., Hapdong Theological Seminary, 2007
D.Min., Midwest University 2012.
Experience: Chairman, Principal, Shenzhen Oriental English College, 2001-2013, Senior Pastor, Philippine Onnuri Church, 2014-2022; Professor, Global Gateway University, 2022-present.

Park, Won Gil, D.Min. - Missiology
B.A., Taegu University, 1994.
M.Div., Presbyterian University and Theological Seminary, 1999
Th.M., Presbyterian University Theological Seminary, 2005
D.Min., Fuller Theological Seminary, 2012

Chu, Myung Chul, Ph.D. -Missiology
B.A., Seoul National University, 1997
M.A., Columbia University, 1982
Ph.D., Columbia University, 1986
M.Div., Presbyterian University and Theological Seminary, 2002
Experience: Adjunct Assistant Professor, Advanced Materials Engineering, Korea Polytechnic University, 2004-2005; Missionary, PCK, 2004-2015

Jeong, Jae Woo, Ph.D. -Missiology
B.A., Yeungnam University, 1994
M.Div., Lutheran Theological Seminary, Hong Kong, 2001
M.A., Fuller Theological Seminary, 2008
Ph.D., Concordia Theological Seminary, 2017
Experience: Professor, India Theological Seminary, 2018-Present

Kim, Dongil, D.Min. -Missiology
Kim, Dongil, D.Min. -Missiology
B.A., Sejong University, 1994
M.Div., Presbyterian University and Theological Seminary, 2001
D.Min., Georgia Christian University, 2016
Experience: Missionary, PCK, 2007-Present

Kim, Young Gyu, Ph.D. Missiology, Candidate
Kim, Young Gyu, Ph.D. Missiology, Candidate
B.A., Korea National Open University, 1984.
M.Div., Presbyterian University Theological Seminary, 1988
Ph.D., Juan International University, Candidate, Present
Missionary, PCK, 1992-Present

Kwon, Jong Duk, Ph.D. -Missiology, Candidate
B.A., Korea National Open University, 1984.
M.Div., Presbyterian University Theological Seminary, 1988
Ph.D., Juan International University, Candidate, Present
Missionary, PCK, 1992-Present



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