Global Gateway University (GGU) is an evangelical Christian institution of higher learning dedicated to the exploration, discernment, sustentation, and dissemination of God¡¯s truth. Global Gateway is committed to excellence in education encouraging students to comprehensively consider God¡¯s Word and work, to evaluate personal vocational ministries, and to assume Christian global responsibilities. Global Gateway University offers diploma, undergraduate, and graduate courses incorporating spiritual and ministry formation into a curriculum that has been developed for an inclusive, multi-lingual learning environment.
Global Gateway University affirms its identity as a Christian university founded upon the beliefs that all ¡°truth comes from God¡± and is authoritative, revelatory, and timeless. GGU provides an educational learning environment organized to offer students the opportunity to discover, understand, and act upon the truths of God revealed through Christ Jesus.
1. Provide training at the baccalaureate, master¡¯s, and doctoral levels designed to equip students for a variety of Christian ministries.
2. Design curricula and practical experiences to help students develop cognitive skills, affective skills, and character qualities required to serve others.
Upon completion of academic studies each student should:
Know how to use principles of biblical interpretation.
Have the basis for the exegesis of Scripture for the purpose of dissemination of God's truths.
Exemplify an understanding of biblical and systematic theology.
Have an understanding of contemporary global issues and their relation to scripture contexts.
Have the ability to define and apply the truths of God's Word.
Have a working knowledge of the Church Body of Jesus Christ.
Have a keenly developed sense of commitment to serve Christ and mankind.
Have a philosophy and structure for ministry, Christian counseling, evangelism, Christian education, and Christian organization management.
Be firmly committed to global missions.
Have a personal devotional and spiritual growth plan.
Be committed to continuing education to further develop skills necessary to communicate the Word and will of God.
Global Gateway University offers academic programs in traditional residential, on-campus formats and non-traditional Distance Education formats. Distance Education opportunities encourage students to pursue higher Christian education while remaining in their places of ministry and employment. As many are currently involved in ministry, Distance Education motivates each student to apply principles learned through practical experience. Non-traditional Distance Education courses allow students to remain in the ¡°marketplace¡± and study under the supervision and guidance of academically qualified and experienced faculty.
The pervasive quality of Global Gateway University is our commitment to know, to love, and to serve the God of Truth who unites faith and reason, grace and nature, the divine and human. The desire for a greater understanding of the creation and its Creator is one of the most profound expressions of man¡¯s love of God. In this sense, to learn is to enhance one¡¯s capacity for love so that the thoughtful and loving acts of a Christian educated person are a witness to the potential transformation of the world.
GGU graduates will be distinguished by their abilities to reflect learning, their abilities to act as ministers, and their desire to love in the name of Christ Jesus.
Christian ministry necessitates the acquisition of knowledge in broad areas of thought and life, both within and beyond the Christian heritage. Through biblical, historical, theological, psychological, sociological, and ministerial studies, the student learns how to better understand God in relation to persons, persons in relation to God, and persons before God in relation to each other.
Ministry is the work of the total person; therefore, Global Gateway University seeks to aid the student in growing in Christian wholeness. The university believes that the development of stable and secure individuals who can live life in the spirit of Jesus Christ is a primary component of Christian education.
Personal commitment to serve Jesus Christ, as Lord is necessary for all Christian ministries. Loving forms a basis for one¡¯s maturity in all aspects of Christian commitment. As a person knows more about Jesus and His love and sacrifice for man, he or she will serve Him more effectively.
Global Gateway University believes that mankind was created in the image of God and was given the responsibility of caring for all things that God has created (Genesis 1:27). GGU believes that all people, regardless of gender, age, or ethnic group, have been given abilities and need guidance through education in developing those gifts from God.
Because of the need to develop a person¡¯s gifts from God through education, GGU has excelled in developing quality educational programs, providing systematic and comprehensive training in the Word of God from a Christocentric perspective. Therefore, it is imperative to have professors and staff members who are competent in their respective fields, who receive evaluation regularly, and who continually seek ways to improve professional skills.
The Christian philosophy of GGU is reflected in the Bible-centered curriculum taught by qualified, experienced, and dedicated faculty. GGU faculty selects academic resources authored by scholarly writers who maintain a commitment to the Bible as the divinely revealed guide for all people. The faculty encourages each student to learn, inquire, and explore without restraint. Academic freedom is encouraged in each classroom.
Therefore, GGU endeavors to preserve intellectual dialog among faculty and students so that teaching and learning may be experienced without fear of discrimination. Freedom of thought and expression are conducted within the parameters of sound scholarship and an appropriate framework of biblical foundations. Within the university¡¯s framework, the Board of Trustees determines personnel, administrative, and fiscal policies affecting the Christian atmosphere and life of the university for students, faculty, and staff.
As a distinctly Christian institution of higher education, Global Gateway University adheres to a strong belief that life values and ethics, as revealed in the Scriptures, must be integrated with academic instruction and organization. These ethics and values include a respect for the rights of others including the larger global community; a commitment to justice, mercy, and caring service; a desire for moral integrity; and an understanding of true Christian lifestyles. The moral values of GGU are expressed as ethical standards and are guided by the tenets of faith and service defined within God¡¯s Word.
Global Gateway University recognizes a responsibility to assist all members of the University family to grow spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and academically. The University, through spiritual growth programs for faculty, staff, and students, offers opportunities for learning, service, personal encouragement, and worship.
The selection of faculty, staff, and students committed to serve Jesus Christ is very important to achieve institutional values and ethical goals. The University selects respected professors that model Christian lifestyles and values. These lifestyles serve to instruct and guide students in their personal understanding of God¡¯s Word and how the Word is enacted in their daily walks. 2 Timothy 2:2: ¡°And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable men who will be qualified to teach others¡± (NIV)
Global Gateway University
843 Parr Road,
Wentzville, MO 63385 U.S.A.
TEL (636)639-9221